Misc.Nov 13, 2019

Holidays and the perks it comes with

Now that the holidays are around the corner, Thanksgiving and bhaam it's Christmas. Even Netflix pops up recommendations like "The Holiday Engagement" phew I even watched the movie and told myself - even for a "it only happens in the movies" standard the story was ridiculous. I am extremely grateful for all the good people, literally all the random good people who have helped me, work, boss, friends and family. Yet, the pressure surrounding being "Single" is so horrible; I am not talking about facing people, it's about facing my ownself. I am happy, workout, done decent for myself and yet why does being by myself not complete my personal/societal resume? I almost feel like this happens in Spurs and goes away -I feel this way, feel like crap, sleep, wake up, go on with life, a few months pass by and then it hits again, feels worse during the holidays. Is life truly not in your control?

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Cadence Mariposa OP Nov 13, 2019

Nope; I am too old fashioned for things like that

Microsoft > DROP * Nov 13, 2019

You do you. You’re always in control. Live it. Love it. Enjoy it. What works for me is me. What else really matters?

Cisco mosalahhh Nov 13, 2019

Pressure around being single? Care to explain? Working out or earning money doesn't fulfill your life. Find what that thing is by experiencing whatever you can in life.

benefactor Nov 13, 2019

No “self-partnering”?

Cadence Mariposa OP Nov 13, 2019

What's that??

benefactor Nov 13, 2019

Emma Watson recently used it to describe being single and being fine with it. It’s just one perspective.

Amazon piperchat Nov 13, 2019

You Increase your misery standards overtime by feeling miserable every day

Facebook iskkk Nov 13, 2019


T-Mobile heckoworld Nov 13, 2019

Thumb down the movie so they stop recommending sappy romantic movies to you. Surround yourself with uplifting things not requiring a partner

lifeisnuts Nov 13, 2019

Life isn't meant to be lived alone. Share and have fun. And remember life isn't in your control. You can steer it but accidents happen