IPONov 18, 2020

Hootsuite ipo

I’m considering an offer for there. What are the chances of an IPO?

Splunk hoarders Nov 18, 2020

Nope. Bad business economics. Very slim chances.

Everbridge vlhc41 Apr 5, 2022

Meanwhile CXM and SPT are both public with multi billion valuations

GE Fej2iUaW Nov 18, 2020

Judging from the various articles you can find publicly with search terms “hootsuite” and “ipo”, seems like the CEO is content with maintaining positive cashflow instead of chasing growth/IPO. But an insider perspective would be interesting too.

Hootsuite H00tsuite Nov 23, 2020

We've got a new CEO and leadership team. He's more about getting back on the growth trajectory.

Move eeeeeek Nov 18, 2020

They had their chance years ago, and blew it. Now they have to go the hard way around....

Tailwind wDwE74 Dec 13, 2020

Not gonna happen. They were trying to find a buyer for years. They raised a lot of money and didn't grow enough.