CompensationFeb 18, 2018

Hourly Consultant Pay, Seattle, WA

Looking for hourly rate comps. I work as a consultant in Seattle on a contract with Microsoft. Just got promoted to Program Manager (non-technical). Hourly rate offer, from my consulting company, is $65/hr. How does this compare? I was hoping for $70/hr and will negotiate but would love any info on your rates or rate ranges. Thx!

Netflix fs92 Feb 18, 2018

For us who don't generally grasp hourly rates, there's about 2000 work hours in a year (40 hrs * 50 wks) if you take two weeks vacation. $65/hr -> 130k/yr $70/hr -> 140k/yr

Expedia Foobarer Feb 18, 2018

How much will they bill for? Aim for at least half of the hourly bill rate assuming you get benefits through consulting company. As an experienced engineer, I bill out for just shy of $200/hr and make just shy of $200k/year salary