Tech IndustryApr 13, 2021

How Amazon rates employees...

Amazon expanded the "HV" rating with "HV1," "HV2," and "HV3" to add depth to each evaluation. Top tier (TT), highly valued (HV), and least effective (LE). An internal Amazon document said: “We expect 20% of Amazonians are TT," 15% are HV3 (the highest of the HV ratings), 25% are HV2, 35% are HV1, and 5% are LE.” Is this a fair system? Will Amazon change? What say y’all? #tech #amazon #amazonaws

Leaked Amazon documents detail a controversial system that insiders say forces managers to give bad reviews to good employees
Leaked Amazon documents detail a controversial system that insiders say forces managers to give bad reviews to good employees
Business Insider
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Microsoft pljc23 Apr 13, 2021

What do these stand for - HV, TT and LE? Sorry never worked at Amzn so not familiar.

Microsoft pljc23 Apr 13, 2021

OP - Thanks for updating the post!

Travelport NxIu56 Apr 13, 2021

Amazon does that cult thing with a bunch of made up lingo and conventions, and members expect everyone to act as if it is normal life

Amazon dJAy14 Apr 13, 2021

I wish to one day live in a world where stack ranking and forced quotas are considered so backwards that no one dares to use them.

Travelport NxIu56 Apr 13, 2021

I mean they are considered backwards alright. Cults don't care

Amazon be furious Apr 13, 2021

To Amazon, employees are just another optimization problem. And no they aren’t optimizing for your benefit. 😉

Genesys washtub OP Apr 13, 2021

Do the other FAANGMULAs so something similar?

Google aow Apr 13, 2021

Google has something similar. S = superb SEE = strongly exceed expectations. EE = exceeds expectation CME = constantly meets expectations NI = Needs improvement

Amazon rmxK66 Apr 13, 2021

But do they fire the lowest performing?

Google aow Apr 13, 2021

Eventually. Yes. But it's not like NI means you are fired like amazon. Google does give you an opportunity to bounce back. And you usually get full support during that opportunity. If you still suck then you are shown the door. People also know that they would have no problems finding another job coming from Google. So sometimes they don't take NI too seriously.

Amazon Amazon-AWS Apr 13, 2021

What does 'that works for Amazon' even mean? Would it not work at, say, Facebook?

Square Svia60 Apr 13, 2021

I’m 100% sure Bezo’s left eye can control your mind whilst the right eye can see your remaining lifespan.

Amazon HashDivan Apr 15, 2021

I think the biggest issue is that in a typical year, only the bottom 5%/LE should be pip targeted but people who are HV1 and some HV2 are by definition below the bar for their level. You end up with 35%-60% who might possibly think they're in LE danger. I think most HV3 and TT feel safe. But like , your bottom 10, or maybe 15% should worry about pip. When that number can approach 50% then there's a problem

Oracle DQwe68 Jul 29, 2021

I didn’t even have to read the question to select ‘This is not a fair system, Amazon won’t change’

Amazon globalOppa Jul 11, 2022

Very bad poll. This is super effective fair system and those weak nipple suckers can leave the company please