Tech IndustryJul 13, 2018

How Many Companies have Machine Learning Engineer Jobs?

If I do this job at Google is there any other company where I could do it? EDIT: I am considering an internal switch to MLE. I want to know whether I can get a job anywhere else after being a C++ and Python MLE at Google.

Chase tjPE83 Jul 13, 2018

Is it easy to move to MLE as after starting out a normal SWE at G?

Google BuyMyCloud Jul 13, 2018

Are you kidding me? I wouldn't leave Google now, there's so much more ML here than anywhere else. YET, I know there's great need for ML geeks in Corporate America

eBay Sprinklez Jul 13, 2018

MLE can be rough for landing jobs... there are opportunities but you need to know everything. They expect you to have PhD level stats knowledge, be able to write mathematical proofs, ML algorithms, code like a god, and do standard system design. The breadth of knowledge to need to prep to interview is pretty insane so expect to always be learning if you want to succeed

Northrop Grumman ajjfji Jul 13, 2018

I thought that would be more for a research scientist than the mle code drone

eBay Sprinklez Jul 13, 2018

MLE goes through the same theoretical problems. Explain gradient descent, memorize the loss function for different regressions, talk about probability distributions, derive naive bayes, etc. it’s a lot of ground to cover on top of everything else for SE you’re expected to know at the same level as any other SE

Amazon RandOh Jul 13, 2018

What’s Google’s model around ML? Do you have scientists doing most of the work and engineers just productionize or do engineers build models by themselves?

Citadel opm_opm Jul 13, 2018

Yes, almost every software firm either has or will soon have MLE engineers. Source - I interviewed two months ago at a bunch of places.

PoloMan Apr 15, 2019

Don't they have MLE roles at your company has well or at hedge funds in general?