Tech IndustryJul 5, 2023

How are title/experience & TC balanced when leaving big tech?

I see a handful of big-tech sr.managers ~ directors move to non-tech companies (hospitality, airlines, banks, etc.) as sr.directors and VPs. My understanding was that there's a significant variance in TC. For example, director of engineering TC at AMEX is approximately 250k~300k in NYC (Based on Blind & Glassdoor), which is high L3 / low L4 at Google. Given this, I'd imagine a director from FAANGMULA+ would be taking a significant cut for 1~2 level promotion or are they moving for long-term career growth? What am I missing here? TC: 440k

ANWHOP Jul 5, 2023

1. They might have better job security because they are less replaceable, compared to low level ICs (50 people on the same level fighting for a promotion or pip). 2. The impact and respect is much more, and it’s something they pursue when TC is beyond certain threshold. 300k and 500k might make little difference for them. 3. If they want, they can jump back to big techs for a higher position, because they prove they have leadership experience in other places, whereas many ICs struggle to prove it in big techs. 4. It’s a great opportunity for people with great leadership skills and soft skills, not everyone can get those positions.