SportsApr 13

How can I make more friends to go on ski trips?


Google Pee Chai Apr 13

Go find ski buses and sit next to someone you might get along with on the ride up. Same thing on the way down. Join internal ski groups and see if anyone wants to carpool one weekend.

Google BcstBoiSBc OP Apr 14

Making friends on bus is a pretty advanced skill hmmm

Google Pee Chai Apr 14

Advanced? It's not hard to strike a conversation with someone sitting next to you for 3 hours. Good luck then.

Meta wasdfh Apr 13

How good are you?

Google BcstBoiSBc OP Apr 14

Not a pro but seasoned

Meta wasdfh Apr 14

Who are you going with now?

Capital One erLz5620 Apr 14

Find friends who can afford it and like being cold.

Motive NQnP11 Apr 14

By uninstalling blind

Apple DeYvZ38 Apr 14

The honest answer is it’s up to you. Assuming your friends aren’t interested or good at skiing, you can help them go more by being patient and sticking with them on the bunny slopes until they learn and get more proficient. Does it mean less time for you on real slopes? Yes, but it means your friends will go more when you don’t ditch them after convincing them to go.