Misc.May 6, 2019

How can an American get a job abroad

This is less about travel as much as it is an experience. Has anyone tried to get a development job abroad? If so, what companies hire Americans, even for a short while? Thanks for the advice.

Indeed notavailab May 6, 2019

Indeed. Check out www.indeed.jobs

Google ckxkkand May 6, 2019

If nothing else, this exercise will help you understand how things work for immigrants here, so more power to you! You still start in a more privileged position than most of us because of the American passport and all the immigration benefits it gets you by default but still I think the experience will be eye opening depending on the part of the world you want to work in.

Microsoft gfba68 May 6, 2019

When I worked abroad my American passport counted against me. Europe is a pain to immigrate into.

thatsmiboi May 6, 2019

You’ll still pay taxes to the US govt, you know that right?

Amazon ImYourGuy May 6, 2019

Wtf how is that legal?