Tech IndustryNov 15, 2022

How do I back up my dotfiles from my work laptop?

Just thinking ahead in case things go south. I have put a lot of time into customizing my environment (VSCode, vim, Linux) - for productivity mind you, not to look good per se - and I'd hate to have to recreate it from scratch. I could just push them to GitHub but I'm a bit wary of doing this on a work laptop as it could be seen as leaking proprietary code or something if found out. Should I be worried about this and/or does anyone have any good solutions?

Amazon AJG826 Nov 15, 2022

SCP to local, copy into flash drive or attach as email and email to yourself

OUIa16 Nov 15, 2022

It should be fine. You can email photos and dot file to yourself . Just don’t email any of the confidential information

Okta sWym25 Nov 15, 2022

rsync -avzP /home/username/ /mnt/backupdrive/work.backup.$(date +%F)/

Google hiringBar Nov 15, 2022

Can't you just paste them to a temp. link somewhere and delete it once you got it

Meta LOcN41 Dec 6, 2022

I found that with some effort you can keep the amount of work-specific configs at minimum. I push 99% of stuff to my public github, the rest goes to a work sandbox repo