How do streamers / other creators avoid getting doxxed when accepting donations?

Long story short, need to accept donations on a website because I don’t want to go through the pain of adsense but using sites like stripe / PayPal may leak personal address and phone number on sites like Ko-fi and BMAC through transactions due to necessary public info needed on stripe / PayPal. Super annoying to try to figure this stuff out - ideally I’d want a transaction to go to a middle-man, then they transact to me. Is there any tech for this?

Google jf7ehe8fh3 Mar 11

In Europe at least you can't legally do it. There are strict KYC (Know Your Customer) regulations to prevent badies from freely exchanging money for illegal goods or terrorism. These regulations would apply for the middlemen too.

GE Aerospace$ Mar 11

PO BOX - you can rent space at any post office

ex-Northrop Grumman doxxavoid OP Mar 11

Stripe doesn’t allow P.O. Box

flyingturd Mar 11

Um, bitcoin?