Women in TechNov 22, 2018

How do you know when not to trust a fellow women colleague

How do you know when not to trust a fellow women colleague...Saw some sneaky sht that made me doubt my abilities to distinguish good from bad

Compass FUPayMe Nov 22, 2018

Don’t trust anyone.

Juniper 2CH41NZ Nov 22, 2018

What exactly did you witness?

Cruise Automation TheDJT Nov 22, 2018

Just say Moist and watch her reaction

Microsoft I♡UBayB OP Nov 22, 2018

One wanted me on her side so she wrote that I should stay longer in role on my career review, then left One was acting oh so good then backstabbed me🤦‍♀️

Google xtc8 Nov 22, 2018

Women are the best at keeping other women down.

Cruise Automation watsalaptp Nov 22, 2018

Why would gender matter here?

Microsoft I♡UBayB OP Nov 22, 2018

Bc there is this women in tech support each other mentality

Yelp Doberman Nov 22, 2018

Surprise, people are people. As much as we would all like for there to be simple answers, there simply aren’t such answers. Some people are genuinely trying to make the world a better place, but most people are just trying to get ahead, and if that involves screwing others one way or another, so be it. Learn to think in terms of incentives. When incentives are aligned, people act accordingly.

Amazon Te56 Nov 22, 2018

Asks you for help destroying other people. Expresses nationalist or vaguely racist sentiments.

Citibank Slurpsurp Nov 22, 2018

When they have a Y chromosome.

RzFr15 Nov 22, 2018

Never trust women

PeerStreet JmnG16wb Nov 23, 2018

Trick question - you never trust a woman colleague.