Office LifeNov 14, 2018

How do you time block efficiently

I tried time blocking my day down to 10 min increments but I find it hard to stick to it especially everyday record things down in the calendar how are u able to discipline this

Quora Eicnskam Nov 14, 2018

Why are you trying to do this? If you don’t have a strong enough reason that you truly deeply believe, you’ll never be able to do this - it’s very hard to do. (Not stroking my ego here; I can’t do this either.)

Amazon bycfly OP Nov 15, 2018

What strong enough reason? I'm just trying to see why we can focus for more than 12 hours a day

Google alumnius Nov 15, 2018

How much time do you block off to plan a day into 10 minute chunks?!?!

Microsoft Str8Ballin Nov 15, 2018

10 minutes? Are you actually booking time to take a piss, get water, walk from the parking lot? You got issues man

VMware systemic Nov 15, 2018

Read the book, Deep work