How doomed am I?

Graduating in December with a master's degree. I have 4+ yrs of experience. Yet to find a job in the current market. Applied to a lot of companies and got a couple of interviews none of which panned out well. Is my tech stack of C++ in a DB background restricting my scope? How doomed am I? #engineering #software #swe #new_grad #google #microsoft #amazon #ebay #teradata #snowflake #databricks #datadog #nvidia #meta #apple #amd #intel #goldmansachs

61 Participants
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Google jsprloh Nov 13, 2023

Why did the interviews not pan out? Was it the tech stack? Or something else?

Teradata conf_techi OP Nov 13, 2023

Tbh I did pretty well in them. But one of the companies was a small start up and their evaluation is 'rigorous' as per the rejection mail. The other one, I felt they were looking for a more senior role than my expertise level.

Google jsprloh Nov 13, 2023

It seems like from your answers that tech stack may not be your problem. I would keep on trying if I were you. You don't seem doomed, but it is not easy. For seniority, a tip that someone shared with me and has helped a lot in my career is that, the behavioral interview is a seniority indicator. Ask yourself if the way you answer questions makes you sound like you have a track record of leading, mentoring, and influencing technical direction. Practice answering questions in a way that gives this impression.

Dell PeanutHead Nov 13, 2023

Jan/Feb it picks up. Don’t give your hopes up before then. The holiday lull is a real thing. Once new headcount and direction of teams is gained, you should be good.

Teradata conf_techi OP Nov 13, 2023

I'll need H1-B for continued employment in the US and I'm worried if I'll miss 1 of the 3 chances I have at the lot if I don't find a job at the earliest. Since these applications happen in March/April

Microsoft kaunretu Nov 13, 2023

A friend of mine on the same boat. Hang in tight

Teradata conf_techi OP Nov 13, 2023

Hope he finds his way too!!

Google ChatApps Nov 13, 2023

Learn Kotlin & Java & interop: far more offers.

Teradata conf_techi OP Nov 13, 2023

But will it be helpful since I won't be able to show it as a professional work experience.