Tech IndustryFeb 13, 2020

How is Front End Engr WLB at Amazon?

I received an offer for FE at Amazon 175 base 100k signing bonus split across 2 years 80 shares staggered across 4 years Curious to know if that’s a fair offer, and also how the wlb at amazon is for front end TC 200 2 YOE #amazon #offer

Roku xeAU11 Feb 13, 2020

Your total comp is ~320k which is a significant jump from 200k at FB. It's a no brainier deal

Facebook Gevo73 OP Feb 13, 2020

80 shares staggered across 4 years

Amazon MTXr34 Feb 13, 2020

As per my knowledge amazon caps the base at 160k. Wondering how you managed to get 175k

Facebook Gevo73 OP Feb 13, 2020

Stock is a little on the low end. Amazon may favor giving cash over stock? Not entirely sure though

Amazon dssa2 Feb 13, 2020

I believe the cap is higher in the bay area and maybe nyc

Walmart wassupdog Feb 13, 2020

How is that 320 ? Y1 - 175 + 50 + 10 (4 shares) Y2 - 175 + 50 + 33 (16 shares) ...

Uber dbghj Feb 13, 2020

Y2 will be 12 stocks 🤦‍♂️

Walmart wassupdog Feb 13, 2020

Oh yeah .. it's 15% and not 20 !

Apple banana-man Feb 13, 2020

WLB is not gonna be worse than FB. Make sure your title is FEE instead of WDE. FEE is the in same family of SDE. WDE is second class citizen with less comps

Facebook Fasy82 Feb 13, 2020

Interesting. It is FEE but good to know that.

Indeed rainwater Feb 13, 2020

Congrats OP, was the interview like? I'm a frontend dev and interested in FEE at amazon

Facebook Fasy82 Feb 13, 2020

Onsite was 2 leetcode mediums, 1 system design, 1 HTML/CSS/JS core concept question, and a bunch of leadership principle questions

Kaplan pxMq57 Feb 13, 2020

What kind of system design?

Capital One pRTY77 Feb 15, 2020

Based off the interview breakdown and offer I'm assuming that's FEE2?

Facebook Fasy82 Feb 15, 2020

It is