How is Stubhub?

How is stubhub right now? Reviews seem bad. Any stubbers have any insight on the company? TC: 110k

ServiceNow AutobotsP Apr 5

Got called by a recruiter and then rejected after resume sent to HM. Not sure what they are expecting

StubHub Jc4sEg Apr 5

The reviews are pretty accurate, both positive and negative. The impact an employee can have is very high. ipo isn't likely to happen and is ~50% of comp. Promotions are pretty rare and there's no clear guidance on what can drive promotions. Tech stack is dated but work is being done to improve it. Management isn't good. Company is growing pretty rapidly and quite a lot of good talent is joining. It's very dependent on the team you join and what you're looking for

StubHub XKBp84 Apr 6


StubHub nbj36lk Apr 5

I've been enjoying it here. No idea when the ipo will happen but the base salary is pretty great

Google AaMl08 Apr 14

product org is toxic

Amazon daddyjobs Apr 14

What’s wrong with the product org?

Google AaMl08 Apr 14

frat bro playground