Tech IndustryNov 14, 2023

How is the morale at meta?

A recruiter from meta reached out for a SW position and want to check with metamates to see how the morale at the company is? Obviously it would be a good bump in salary but I am happy at where i am and scared about the PSC culture and potential for more layoffs. Also I am on h1 visa. Can metamates shed some light? TC: 425k 10 yoe

PayPal ‘23 .com 🫧 Nov 14, 2023

Didn’t realize Intuit pays so well. Good for you!!

LinkedIn nightcretr Nov 14, 2023

You are already close to E5 pay at meta. Unless you are getting an E6, I'd say not worth the jump

Amazon shdchange Nov 14, 2023

You have a 425k tc at Intuit and wanna consider leaving that for Meta where you are not even certain about the team or wlb or moralein the current market and that too on H1B. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Bird in hand is worth 2 in bush. Hope you don't screw up your peaceful life (assuming you have one at Intuit)

Meta RiGV33 Nov 14, 2023


Capital One [LevERage] Nov 14, 2023

Sheesh let me get an Intuit referral before you head out. They won't even look at me with 12yoe.

Oracle lyxgeet Nov 14, 2023

Not worth the switch unless your comp is 600k