How much is the salary range for Lead Software engineer , Vice President, Deutsche Bank, Berlin salary?

How much is the current salary offered in Deutsche Bank at Berlin for Vice President position as a Lead Software engineer?

ex-Block bOehJs Apr 14

What’s that map to? A Sr SWE? Like 90k

PNC ceb0827 Apr 14

I think first you need to understand that officer titles at financial institutions are meaningless until you reach the Director or EVP level. At DBs size I’d estimate at minimum 30k VP/AVP/Officer level employees. This stems from the idea that no one can brag that their loan was approved by Joe Smith down at the local branch, but they can brag that their loan was personally approved by the VP at (fill in bank name). This led to the HR practice of attaching office titles to pay grades. In banking be more concerned with the JOB title than the officer title unless you’re applying for an executive position. SWE is a probably mid to low level title, you basically have interns & associate or junior SWEs below you & at least a senior and lead SWE above you before you get to the mgmt track.