Tech IndustryMay 7, 2018

How to get into Product Group / Program Manager?

I’m currently in services and want to transition into a role that is more focused on DevOps and Product Management. Anyone have tips on how to get experience with this? I plan on enrolling in Pluralsight courses and The Microsoft Profressional Program in DevOps but i would need practical experience outside these courses. Thanks!

Microsoft MSFT_BOB May 7, 2018

Honestly, my advice is "Make friends in the product group." If you're motivated and smart and the product group wants to hire you because they like and know you, they can always spin something or write a description to meet you. Reach out to build your network. If you aren't local, maybe see if you can sit in on EBCs or some of the calls they do with analysts or MVPs to get an idea what's going on. Reach out to someone in engineering as a mentor, and let him or her know what your long-term goals are.

Microsoft ssjtam OP May 7, 2018

Great advice. I might do that. Thanks bob

Microsoft ONzv33 May 7, 2018

I'm a PM in VSTS/TFS (Microsoft's DevOps product). If you are internal go to Microsoft careers and login with your microsoft info. From there search for pm roles in VSTS or devops and see what skills and experience they are looking for. If logged in internally you can also see who the hiring managers are. You could reach out to them for an "informational" for the role and see if you are a good fit. Worst case they tell you what you can work on to get to the place you want to be! Best of luck!

Microsoft ssjtam OP May 7, 2018

Thank you. I will do that.