Tech IndustryDec 4, 2018

How to handle Low level design questions well in an interview?

Please post some resources. Describe how you got good at it.

Amazon Plojyniggb Dec 4, 2018

Start with thinking about object oriented design. Start with the interfaces of the subsystems. Don’t over complicate your solution. Ask lots of questions about the usage and what we anticipate for the future for the system to narrow down the ask. Most low level ones are much easier than you think

Google Shaktiman’ Dec 4, 2018

By reading good code. Discussing work related design with colleagues, Code reviews, etc.

Vertivco WARP ZONE! Dec 5, 2018

Another chicken & egg bastard...

Intel pleb Dec 5, 2018

Low level questions demand low level answers.

Amazon smsn sns Dec 5, 2018

Head First Design Patterns