
How to stop being replaced by AI

So AI is starting to learn how to code. How to stop it? Corrupt it's training data. Start posting garbage code on Github and other online websites. Respond with grammatical mistakes on Stack Overflow. Be less explicit in solutions you post online, force the reader to have some context or do some logical thinking. This is a team effort to stop AI from replacing SDEs. Let's save the world from AI.

Block jigg78 Mar 12


Goldman Sachs kcX42069 Mar 12

So basically do what I always do? Great ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Amazon plsdontban OP Mar 12

Your descendants will appreciate your efforts

Amazon plsdontban OP Mar 12

Also refuse to work for any company which is actively trying to dissolve your profession. Don't be a sellout. In fact, interviewers should blacklist candidates from those companies.

Amazon vadak Mar 12

Tell me you're an L4 or a recent L5.

Amazon plsdontban OP Mar 12

Please dive deeper into that assumption

Amazon vadak Mar 12

AI is not gonna replace you. People using AI are going to replace those who don't.

CTxO88 Mar 12

Cars will not replace you. Horses using cars will replace horses who donโ€™t use cars.

CTxO88 Mar 12

Add catastrophic failure modes and youโ€™ll be golden. Or work on projects where nobody dares automate code writing (like aviation, nuclear software, etc.)

eBay asaV27 Mar 12

Donโ€™t worry. AI will find my code soon enough. You are all safe.

Microsoft Demirf11 Mar 12

So the status quo...gotcha!

Amazon Ru6Ev97 Mar 12

This a lesson for all those "friendlies" who want to help others by posting code, solutions for others online. Hope they are the first to be replaced!

LinkedIn I am a Cat Mar 12

AI is just hype at this point. It is the new NFT.