
How will Optimus talk to humans without Tesla solving Generative AI first?

Elon likes to avoid overlap between his companies. xAI is his chosen company to pursue Generative AI and it already has a product called Grok. My question to blind community and Tesla employees is how Elon will address this conflict of interests. Will he allow Tesla AI team to compete with xAI on Generative AI? If not, how is Optimus supposed to talk like a human? #stocks #investments JjTyyiw Mar 16

It’s called hype. Its not supposed to actually work

KrdL04 OP Mar 16

I am invested in Tesla for long shots but very concerned about xAI. Every tech company has a Generative AI initiative except Tesla

NVIDIA CbpQ73 Mar 16

Tesla can buy those companies later

Tesla 2thicc Mar 17

Elon loves overlap of companies. New roadster has spacex parts

uevT16 Mar 29

I know it's not right place. But, Could I DM you for tesla referrals?