How’s life of a SWE at Comixology, an amazon company?

Hi, I’m an iOS Engineer, and interested in joining comixology. Saw a lot of negative feedback on Glassdoor about the management. How’s working as a SWE at comixology? It’s been 8 yrs since Amazon bought the company, but the app still has 3.4 ratings on the App Store while most of the Amazon products have 4+ ratings. How is comixology doing? Best of all, #software #engineering #swe #amazon

Amazon bananamen Sep 12, 2022

I'm a comixology user. Even though I work at Amazon, I have no idea how the work goes on the inside. Recently comixology fucked up royally a pushed an app redesign that completely killed it. It's unusable. It's so unusable that if you told me digital comics sales dropped by 80%, I would not be surprised. Now you go and think what kind of team culture leads to such a major fuckup. They must be super happy there, I'm sure.