Tech IndustryDec 6, 2018


So what is really going on there ? Was that planned at time when Winnie was dining with Trump?

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Google DayNNight Dec 6, 2018

Slow👏🏼...... and then 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Facebook FckHuawei OP Dec 6, 2018

Which gender (our if 56 possible) you chose to select for this Thursday?

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Intuit YsJA05 Dec 6, 2018

Who has the authority to put a ban? Does a Chinese company have to comply with US's embargo? Can China put a ban and arrest execs of us companies that break their embargo?

Google IiiilLiiii Dec 6, 2018

No but why is the CFO of huawei arrested in this fashion as a result? I thought our whole theme in the US was not holding executives responsible for corporate malfeasance? Our intelligence agencies broke their laws spying on Huawei but we expect they won’t arrest any of their top brass (or contractors) so callously. I know Americans don’t care but China and so many other countries think the USA has no credibility or moral authority bc of shit like this. You’re right though, the unsullied enforcement of 5 year old sanctions on Iran and North Korea is a virtue so paramount; no cost is too high, no reasoning too flawed. Keep fighting ✌️

Amazon VTech Bro Dec 6, 2018

Just businesses, like how we donate stuff to ISIS by abandoning them in Iraq. They sold stuff to Iran and NK.

Google IiiilLiiii Dec 6, 2018

We’ll have to detain this “Isis” next time she’s connecting in Canada too then