Tech IndustryAug 23, 2021
SnapBoxer # 1

Hudson River Trading?

What’s the deal with HRT? I feel this company is overrated. Before you trolls and flakes start your thing - let me say this… I like the company but I just don’t feel it’s in the same league as Jump, Jane Street, DE Shaw, etc. I’ve witnessed smarter talent at Google and FB. They have a great reputation for their quants, but honestly I don’t think the opinion is the same for their engineering. I personally interacted with / know a few and I have felt they’re about ok. Definitely they’re not bad at all, but not outright geniuses like the ones in jump, Jane, 2S, citadel, etc. I just feel the new grads and interns on blind blew the company out of proportion lol! Thoughts? (Keep it clean. Comment only if you know stuff. This is just an inquiry and not trying to mud sling. I personally am considering HRT as my future opportunity.)