I am looking for mentors in product management. Currently in Hardware design at Intel 8+ years experience.

Hi, I am looking to switching my stream to product management from hardware design. Currently in Intel with 8+ experience. Reasons for thinking about the move. 1) Been interested in entrepreneurship since almost 10 years, tried starting a business 7 years back but like a good indian origin boy i continued my engineering to masters to 8 years job and now i feel terrible going far far away from my dream. 2) Being part of product management will help me get back closer to my dream and can also continue supporting my family financially. 3) Currently gaining skills through all the courses i could find on courseera, udemy to up my business management skills. 4) Working in communication skills through toastmasters. 5) Applying to evening/weekend MBA to get formal degree (i know its not required for entrepreneurship but i feel in product management it will help) I still feel i am not doing something right. What I think i am lacking are mentors and like minded folks. Any help is appreciated. Bashing with negative comment is also welcome as this seems to be the norm in most topics in blind but a few mentors who could help me is all i am looking for. #pm #product #productmanager #entrepreneur

Twitch XBJc54 Feb 9, 2022

What’s in it for the mentor? As a PM, you need to learn about your customer’s needs, solve them, and make sure they understand that.

Intel Ssvss OP Feb 9, 2022

Right. I could read all i want about it but until i actually work or have good test cases to work on i will never be hired or even considered seriously. For mentors i dont know. When i am mentor to folks i help them out because i can. Then it depends on the relationship i have with them. If they are respectful, eagar to learn i continue mentoring. I feel teaching actually made me much better at my own job.