
I don’t understand men.

I just don’t understand them. Why do married guys not care enough about their wife and kids and seek extramarital affairs? Men here are complaining that they want to marry someone with 0 or low body count, and then after marrying someone with that (who likely doesn’t have a high drive) these same men seek to find extramarital affairs. Women are supposed to be successful too, we need to have our own careers. But we also need to take care of the house too, and kids when that happens eventually. Yes usually guys tend to contribute financially more to a partnership or to a household, but as an independent woman, I make my own money and pay my own bills. I don’t need someone who thinks paying for a dinner entitles them to anything. And you see many cases on Blind where FAANG guys act cheap and complain about paying for a dinner or drinks or date. It’s the least a guy can do to show that he is interested and invested in building a relationship, if you are complaining about this, either stop being broke or only go out with girls that you like enough to be fine to buy dinner for. Guys also are not like a machine learning algorithm, unfortunately they make the same mistakes many times and don’t learn. Honestly I am so tired of giving guys any second chance, if they mess up once I will not talk to them again. Also some of these guys are so desperate too, like after being rejected once or even multiple times, they will continue to reach out, like my story or comment on Instagram, or try to initiate some conversation to ask me out. Like do they have any self respect? If I reject them before, what makes them think I will want them a few months later? Maybe I am becoming hotter, more fit, got promoted, got a house, got a car, but it’s not like they changed anything worthwhile. Sometimes whenever I find someone decent (ie based on career, looks, hobby, etc) the more I talk to them the more I lose interest. I think I just stopped liking guys. Which is not a problem because I am happy and content in my single life. But just want to vent. I don’t see a point to get married unless my parents want me to have kids, otherwise I think I don’t want to deal with guys, dating, relationships, marriage. It all sounds like a headache while my life is fine as it is. #dating #relationships #marriage

Indeed usre Apr 22


Amazon juo Apr 23


Uber hjdB79 Apr 22

Well said. Men think asexual women are better because they’re more pure, but really they’re just as likely to cheat emotionally as a girl with a high body count

NVIDIA Big Als Apr 22

The problem lies in the fact that most of the responsible and supportive ones are invisible to you. Regarding extramarital affairs, women tend to cheat more that men in a marriage, look up the statistics.

Amazon dy/dx^2 OP Apr 22

I am aware that those types of guys likely aren’t on dating apps. But if someone approaches me in person I find it superficial (because they are approaching me based on my looks without knowing anything about me). Aside from doing activities/hobbies or meeting people through mutual friends, how else to meet people?

NVIDIA Big Als Apr 23

Men and women fall in love differently, it's how we work. Love starts with attraction for men. Men have always been independent and flexible. Most men don't have such a thing called likes and dislikes. We are tuned to work hard from a young age and that all we do all our lives. So if you say you like skiing, most will join you. You should be worried if a man does not approach you based on looks. What if after marriage you figure out your husband does not find you attractive ? Women will not approach men, so we take it on ourselves to take the shot. It does not mean he loves you or wants to marry you. It's an initiation to get to know you better. You can always respectfully decline and there's nothing wrong with it.

PayPal ItIr34 Apr 23

Because they first marry ugly lady then after that they are not satisfied due to which they seek affair

WarnerMedia hopelessr Apr 23

Because women don’t like nice guys or nice guys are repulsive to women and most women like toxic guys and don’t use logic or brain when dealing with these toxic guys. When these women end up with these toxic guys, they always think that all men are same, they don’t think logically that there are nice guys too but they never gave chance to them at first place and are invisible. Unfortunately all women want toxic guys.

Instacart YdOP30 Apr 23

Men who claim to be the nice guys repulsive to women are never the nice guys.

Amazon poppills Apr 23

This is a very easy way to deflect blame on others instead of self reflecting.

Amazon juo Apr 23

Women like OP are the ones who goes for fuckboys & when they cheats she generalise it to whole male population, & loose interest in guys. Also completely ingoring the stats that women cheats more way more and 80% divorce are initiated by women, women monkey branch more Here is clip to expose ur lies & also why men cheat

Amazon colgat3 Apr 23

OP needs a hug - 🤗

Apple SKSe60 Apr 23

Please stop generalizing everyone. May be you keep taking the bait every time ?

Uber aradkhos Apr 23

Lol! It’s so glaring - you are generalizing and have high expectations, it’s a killer! Either you change that attitude or stay single

Etsy lulumemo Apr 23

It's very normal for a man to have multiple partners. If you like him so much why do you expect another woman to not like him? You are forcing man to lie about relationships because you want to follow feminist agenda. You should instead allow him to be with other girls but set rules to ensure he does not neglect his family.

Amazon poppills Apr 23

You are so smart. I wish all men thought like you did 😍😍