IBM CIC reviews ?

Is it a good place to grow as a dev? I know pay is not great but I won’t be staying there for more than 2-3 years. Is overtime frequent? I have a new grad offer in a Canadian CIC

Neo4j monke! Oct 31, 2022

I’ve worked for IBM CIC in Sweden. I would only take this as a first job straight out of college. Try to get experience from multiple projects and stay away from integrations. Switch employers after roughly 1,5 years and don’t care too much about your comp. The only value here is leveraging your experience into a new better paying job somewhere else

AXIS Capital eAtTHRiCH OP Oct 31, 2022

Was it a stable place? Heard CICs are last places to get hit by layoffs.

Neo4j monke! Oct 31, 2022

I was working there during a bull market, so I wouldn't exactly know. But yeah that makes sense to me as the CIC consultants are cheaper and have less benefits etc than regular IBM employees. YMMV depending on location but I would say it is a safe bet, many of their contracts are long running so they wouldn't be as heavily impacted is my perception.