Jobs & ReferralsDec 25, 2022
eWorld Enterprise SolutionsYcJa52

IBM Referral for Entry Level Software Engineering Role

I was wondering if I anyone could give me a referral at IBM i currently have 1 co-op for 1 year and one part time internship Thank you #tech

Intel plki Dec 25, 2022

Why would you want work at IBM. They probably pay less than government

eWorld Enterprise Solutions YcJa52 OP Dec 26, 2022

i heard they had a good WLB. Also i live in Hawaii were the pay here for Software Engineers is like 60k-75k for entry developers. so looking for out of state opportunities is def one of my goals right now and i’ve heard it’s a good starting point for your career with a low bar of entry

IBM BXUP34 Dec 30, 2022

Wlb depends on the team. With reorgs happening every 1-2 years it’s pretty close to friends at Google, but probably better than most teams at Amazon.

Intel plki Dec 26, 2022

Atleast IBM has a good name. I would hope you can get a remote job and stay in Hawaii

ByteDance 1RDJFKR Dec 27, 2022

DM for TikTok if interested