PoliticsJan 10, 2018
Microsoft sqiF24 Jan 10, 2018

Then you don't understand the definition of the word. Immigrants can become citizens and citizens can vote. If the memo said that immigrants would be given help to vote before being citizens, then you could argue that such an act is treasonous.

Amazon Probably🍆 Jan 10, 2018

He obviously can’t read.

Intel lggy Jan 10, 2018

Is that why the republicans want them out so bad?

Amazon 360 Jan 10, 2018

Plus if you keep aside the politics for one second, actually those came here as kids do not have anywhere else to go. Yes Dems have political benefit from this as well but this is the right thing to do. On the hand Reps love guns much and are backed by NRA for their political gains only. If NRA stops funding, No one will be talking about second amendment.

Apple DEADBEEF🍻 Jan 10, 2018

Illegals can’t vote, bud, and haven’t been risking voting. There’s been fewer than 31 verified cases of voter fraud in the last 1 billion votes cast. If you’re thinking that having a general policy of looking out for the little guy is treason, well...you’re probably a hard right Republican. California used to be a red state, remember? Guess how it was flipped blue? By trying to fuck over and discriminate against the Latino community. If Republicans aren’t careful they could accidentally flip Texas blue in the near future.

Credit Karma Johmy Jan 10, 2018

Then why’d Obama deport more of them than Trump? Why’d bill Clinton say, in a more eloquent but Trumpy way, in the state of the union that “illegals” come to the US to commit crimes? Immigrant bashing is bipartisan in the US. Dems want “good immigrants” and appeal to their native base on that. Republicans scapegoat immigrants and appeal to their native base on that... meanwhile big “liberal” government keeps deporting, arresting, patrolling and destroying lives. Screw both the racist parties. Full rights for everyone working or living here or our rights (can be given or taken by the government and) don’t mean crap.

Amazon icejia Jan 13, 2018

This is an outright lie. In Obama era, he created a great magnet luring many more to come. Border crossings turned away were then counted as a deportations. It is so misleading! Now illegal border crossings are down 40%. you know how loose was Obama's immigration enforcement

Credit Karma Johmy Jan 13, 2018

1) you miss the point. “A lie... misleading” ...so if the Dems are in the pocket of undocumented immigrants to get votes, why’d they beef up border arrests, why’d Hilary and most of the rest vote for border patrol and fences. Why’d Hilary dodge the question of deportations when debating Sanders? I might actually support the party if it really acted like the right-wing tinfoil hat crowd believed. Lol. 2) undocumented immigration declined in the post-recession era (I.e. most of Obama’s administration). This isn’t due to Obama or Bush or Trump as much as it has to do with employment and economic conditions... demonstrating that immigration is mostly just driven by needing work not the policies of the DNC/RNC. And definitely not due to the reasons concocted in the fantasies of paranoid xenophobes. https://www.google.com/amp/www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/04/25/as-mexican-share-declined-u-s-unauthorized-immigrant-population-fell-in-2015-below-recession-level/%3famp=1

Credit Karma Johmy Jan 10, 2018

Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!

Microsoft midland OP Jan 10, 2018

Are you guys trolling or actually that naive? Of course the strategy isn’t obvious like busing illegals to the voting polls. Here is how it works. - Illegals by their number alone give blue states 10+ electoral votes. Population census doesn’t take into account citizenship status. - Most Latinos have relatives who are illegal and hence pro open border and vote dems. - Illegal immigrants and their descendants are likely government dependent due to their economic background and are much more likely to vote dems. They also have high birth rates. - Suppressed wages in manual labor cause more people to become poor and need handouts. Weak middle class is big government wet dream. Who actually buy that the dems care about little people? Governor moonbeam literally BEGGED illegals to come promising free healthcare and jobs. That is not morality, that is voter recruitment strategy. California didn’t turn red because the GOP fucked over the Latinos. Ronald Reagan gave blanket amnesty for millions of immigrants, but when it’s done they all voted dems. Biggest legislative scam in history by the dems. Now they want unconditional amnesty for DACA as a way to tell illegals to keep coming.

Apple DEADBEEF🍻 Jan 10, 2018

Get real about the electoral votes and don’t pretend the GOP hasn’t been executing a masterful gerrymandering campaign since the last census in nearly all states by taking over state legislators, funding hard right state judges, and eventual governorships. It’s practically impossible for the GOP to lose a majority in the house unless they back complete retards. The electoral college is so fucked up right now that you only need a few swing states to decide the entire election. If it were a popular vote for presidential elections, the GOP would hardly ever win now.

Credit Karma Johmy Jan 10, 2018

California turned red because people voted for Democrats? Your probably not thinking clearly because of the xenophobia fogging your brain.