Tech IndustryAug 7, 2019

In Google, what frontend tech/frameworks they mostly use?

I was wondering what frontend frameworks do Googlers mostly use for their products. For example, on Google Adsense, do they use any frontend framework in particular, e.g. React.js, Bootstrap? Many Google products seem to have a "similar" feel and look to them, so I was curious to see what frontend techs they use. I saw an article about it a few years ago but I can't find it anymore.

Workday tdf Aug 7, 2019

Why the hell will Google use React ? 😂

!wrong Aug 7, 2019 They also teach you React. is an initiative by Google. Basically, React is "Sharma ji ka beta" for Google.

Facebook GFS_Queen Aug 7, 2019

Don’t mind him. Workday has really low bar.

Google fsck Aug 7, 2019

Varies a lot by product and team, it's a huge company, but mostly I would say Angular & friends. There are some internal frameworks not open sourced. Very little React The common look and feel is called Material Design and orthogonal to framework choice

NKuR73 OP Aug 7, 2019

Thanks, just tried a bit of Material, and I love it so far. Gonna learn it properly!

NKuR73 OP Aug 10, 2019

Just finished a few tutorials, loved learning about them. Which backend do they usually use to serve a small frontend application? I assume Python with Flask? Edit: Nvm, maybe I will just use dart as the backend.

Facebook cuck Aug 7, 2019

I think Angular, Polymer and Dart?

Google əๅɓoo⅁ Aug 7, 2019

Consumer web apps mostly use in-house frameworks. Angular is used a lot too.

Google v.putin Aug 7, 2019

Boq + wiz is the recommendation. But teams also use Angular, dart, polymer with apps framework. Some use Closure.

T-Mobile 🤴🏻Wick 🍇 Aug 7, 2019

They use Vue for jobs site