Tech IndustryFeb 4, 2023

Incoming Qualcomm intern

I was interested in knowing a few things about the company from former or current employees at Qualcomm. My role is in San Diego 1. How is the Pay? - compared to other tech companies 2. Prestige - is Qualcomm prestigious and well respected in the tech industry 3. Benefits - what does Qualcomm offer for interns/Full time. 4. Growth - is this a good company to start working at right out of college. How is the growth potential? I have a offer from Intel as-well but was thinking Qualcomm over Intel. What does everyone think? #tech #qualcomm #qualcommlife #qualcommsalary #Qualcomm #bigtech

Meta sunkd Feb 4, 2023

Search for benefits. The rest is under reviews on blind. Just search the company!

Qualcomm Hu$t|er Feb 4, 2023

Qualcomm has one of best internship programs!! For full time you can decide for yourself after spending the summer here. Qualcomm over Intel any day!

Qualcomm sha125 Feb 5, 2023

Masters or bachelors?

Qualcomm cIXY30 Feb 5, 2023

I would say Qualcomm over Intel given how things are, if you have some experience Intel could be an option given it’s going to be long slog over there for next 2yrs and pay cuts.

Intel urrQ32 Feb 6, 2023

QC San Diego is very good for opportunities and growth As an intern, throw prestige out the window and work hard to grow skills and ownership... Prestige thoughts will just fkin kill/slowdown your career

EchoLogyx leetforcin Feb 9, 2023

Hi OP, congratulations. Could you share how long it took to get an offer after the interview?