Instacart expected stock with offer

Wondering what stock offer should I expect with a base of 130-150? Tech but not SWE TC - 200k

Meta v6kili1 Sep 25, 2023

400-460K worth over 4 years. Assume flat stock price. Negotiate one level higher title. I think they have yearly refreshers.

Schneider National RoadtoDE OP Sep 26, 2023

This is for something like a senior analyst role . Is it still that much?

Instacart markwords Sep 28, 2023

Probably like 40-50k per year tops

Schneider National RoadtoDE OP Sep 28, 2023

Even after they IPOd? They’re not being generous ?

Instacart markwords Sep 28, 2023

Lol what's the connection between IPO and whether a company is generous or not