Work VisaFeb 8, 2021

Internal transfer accenture seattle

My husband is working in accenture on openlink endure . I am moving to Seattle in couple of months on l1B . Once my husband gets EAD can accenture provide him internal transfer , he is joining accenture bangalore next month . Is this something i can consider ? Accenture employees / recruiters please help #accenture #seattle #internaltransfer #accentureSeattle

Microsoft FXSj74 Feb 8, 2021

With an EAD he is free to apply for any opportunities within or outside Accenture. If he is hired then he’ll be transferred. But it would be unreasonable to assume his current manager or org would actively help him transfer. They have no incentive to do that.

Amazon Shinigami# OP Feb 8, 2021

Got it then it better to look outside accenture He works on endur so i thot it would be easier