Internally vs Externally focused MSFT PM

Just finished interviewing for two MSFT Senior PM positions associated with the MS Azure deployments for the US government. First is focused on removing roadblocks internally to getting products successfully moved into their S/TS spaces from commercial. Second is focused on more capture like activities and getting clients to yes with proposed solutions. I really liked both teams a lot. Anyone have thoughts career wise on internally vs externally focused especially as it pertains to Microsoft? I’ve spent most of my career straddling both realms. I’m also at the stage of my career where I’m looking for a destination, not a stepping stone to hop elsewhere in 4 years for higher TC. Location: DC

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Microsoft realSat Aug 30, 2021

My 2 cents, go with external PM role. Internal PM roles are less setup for success and have a lot of overlap with engineering. It’s a lot harder to be successful.

Microsoft papacloud Aug 30, 2021

Is this in Azure Global ?

Novetta Solutions wmvtgmu OP Aug 30, 2021


Microsoft papacloud Aug 30, 2021

Azure Global is sort of the storied toxic place in Microsoft. It's Amazon times 10. But if you have already decided to take one of the two roles, take the first one. Azure S / TS have really serious engineering depth and complexity. Moving Azure offerings into those has a ton of satisfying work and you'll learn a lot pretty quickly and it will turn you into a good PM / great TPM. I'd go so far as to say this would be the best place in Azure to have the best ramp up. The customer solutioning within AG is not great. There are more capable teams of engineers across Microsoft that do that better and Azure Global isn't an engineering organization.