Tech IndustryNov 26, 2017

Interview at Automattic

I am really, really interested in Automattic but I blew the interview :( how long should I wait before trying again?

WalmartLabs KjCeXs~5 Nov 26, 2017

I made it past the slack interview to a mini project (not the paid one) and got rejected there. They suggested applying again in a year. Slightly different situation than yours but maybe still applicable.

Oracle ogVu86 OP Nov 26, 2017

Actually that’s exactly where I dropped the ball (at the mini project)

WalmartLabs KjCeXs~5 Nov 27, 2017

Ah, ok. They gave me some really useful feedback and said to try again in a year.

eBay Mr.X Nov 27, 2017

What does mini project look like ? Designing a system or debugging one ? And how much time you anticipate that would take ?

WalmartLabs KjCeXs~5 Nov 27, 2017

I guess it would depend on the role. I interviewed for the mobile team, so they had me make some changes to a simple app. It was a bit frustrating since they didn't give a ton of direction as to what they wanted.