Tech IndustryJun 20, 2023

Interview in Arista Networks India

I have an interview scheduled next week, Can anyone tell me what should I focus on in limited time. My DSA and Algo is a little rusty.I wanted to know what I can do to make use of limited time I have. What would Arista mostly focus on in interviews? What compensation can I expect for my YOE YOE- 2.5 TC 13.5LPA #aristanetworks #aristainterview #interviewquestions

Cimpress NoLimit999 Jun 20, 2023

How did you apply mate ? And are you from Java background?

HP BigBlinde OP Jun 20, 2023

No I am from C/C++ background. Recruiter contacted me through Instahyre.

Cimpress NoLimit999 Jun 20, 2023

Nice, All the best!!

Dell yixB66 Jun 20, 2023

Ex arista here. Depends on the team, But you can't go wrong with graphs , trees and stl. Make sure you know how most used stls are implemented. I was asked to implement shared and unique ptrs in my interview. Tc depends on your negotiation, I've seen 5yoe with 50lpa tc.

HP BigBlinde OP Jun 20, 2023

Sure, Thanks for the heads up

Synopsys KFrx00 Feb 8

How did it go? How was the interview? What topics?? Is system Design must? Is OS a must too??