Interviewers are from the same country

- Recurring observation in interviews at leading tech firms like Meta, Apple, and Bloomberg: one-on-one interviews are often conducted by male engineers who all share the same nationality. - This trend prompts an important question: Are these interviews aimed at filling positions in the U.S., or is there a subtle preference for candidates who align with the interviewers' nationality? - The consistent nationality among individual interviewers indicates a possible lack of diversity in the selection process. - Such uniformity can lead to unconscious biases, skewing preferences towards candidates resembling the interviewers in terms of nationality. - Highlights the necessity for these companies to introduce more diversity among interviewers to avoid biases and foster a more inclusive hiring approach.

35 Participants
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Workday egienw Feb 3

At Workday, we explicitly tries to ensure that interviewers are diverse in nationality, race, gender and age. It’s extra effort and sometimes not possible but we try our best to give confidence to interviewees that implicit bias won’t creep in.

American Express gilbertgrp Feb 3

You can say the nationality, it’s okay 🤣

Oracle ownsm Feb 3

Its ok we all know it

Meta whatTooDo Feb 3

We'd don't, there are two options .

Robinhood aeiou_ Feb 3

This again!

Salesforce gefv06 Feb 3

Deal with it .

LinkedIn [in]sipid Feb 3

My company is predominantly Asian and almost all leadership is Asian

Google ghvrui3 Feb 3

What does your username mean

LinkedIn [in]sipid Feb 3

It means insipid lol

Visa zVXB60 Feb 3

Avoid Bias and not promote favoritism.

VMware BiCQ28 Feb 3

I guess the nationality is either Indian or Chinese and while I understand the point you are making , I think it works the opposite way especially with the Indian interviewers. Often I think they have a bias towards Indian candidates ( in a negative way) and scrutinize more than the job/ interview deserves and can be quite high handed towards Indians

Oracle justnothin Feb 3

Worst part is when companies get people from that country on H1, they bring the toxic culture and politics.

Bloomberg lHfT36 Feb 3

Lol, it all comes down to who is willing to give their time for interviewing. My org is perfectly diverse - whites, Latinos, East and South Asians, Europeans etc. but it's mostly Indians and Chinese who volunteer to interview candidates. Also in my loop the only Indian TL actually rejected me, it was another white TL who hired me. So grow up and come out of your hate and presumptions I guess.

Microsoft svsn33 Feb 3

Is it bad that I am that nationality and I bias against my own nationality because well we all know they can be full of shit, just sucks because I know like 10% of them are really good