Interviewing at Google (Android)

Hi folks, I have an on-site scheduled with Google for an L5 Android engineer position in 3w. Initially, when scheduling, the recruiter told me there was an abundance of open positions for Android app eng, and I just likely will find a team match if the results are good. Google is 1 of my 2 target companies. I'm currently interviewing with other companies, and the results are mixed. I feel like I need more prep and practice, especially for L5, so I was thinking about postponing the interviews by 3 more weeks. I feel very wary about coming onboard as L4, in that case I'll likely reject and try again in a year. But with these news of hiring slowdown, what is the best course of action? I'm not sure how much the team matching for Android devs might be affected, any insights? TC 290k

Google OHfd38 Jul 12, 2022

L5 android should be in demand (my team looking for one for a while), just take your time and do what's best for you.

Amazon $5&-(8fgjh Jul 28, 2022

Hi, how would you recommend to prep for Google Android dev role?

Microsoft duo2 Aug 14, 2022

I just had L5 Android VO, so go for it, it is worth. if you worried about coding or system design, do it daily, it will be okay. LC 300+, and system design was all about job related for me not like designing youtube lolz I hope we can see each other this year ;)

Groupon Tlob05 Sep 5, 2022

Hey @duo2 can I dm you for a few questions about the interview?

Delivery Hero kadane Nov 12, 2022

Hey @duo2, what is android domain coding interview like? What can we expect from it?