Tech IndustryNov 13, 2019

Interviewing in Scala

It seems like language is more important to interviewing than I originally thought. I usually interview in python since it's easy to code interview questions with. However, it seems like engineers will actually consider the language people interview in when evaluating a candidate. I know scala really well. Should I interview in scala even if it might be harder to code interview questions in, particularly if the role involves spark development?

Cisco šŸ¦™ Alpaca Nov 13, 2019

If the job requires Spark experience, then you should program in Scala. But for general coding challenge? Nah. People probably dont know Scala anyway, it has a rather steep learning curve

Box kindness Nov 13, 2019

What are the downsides?

Amazon OlAl28 OP Nov 13, 2019

It's hard to code interview questions in that language (for loops are considered bad practice)

Box kindness Nov 13, 2019

Yeah but Scala has alternatives to that

Amazon sPIE23 Nov 13, 2019

Lol donā€™t interview in scala, your interviewer will hate you if they donā€™t do scala.

Amazon OlAl28 OP Nov 13, 2019

Isn't it typically the case that you tell the recruiter which language you prefer and they find engineers who know the language? I feel if I was interviewing someone and they coded in scala I might be more inclined than if they coded in Java, all things being equal.

Amazon sPIE23 Nov 13, 2019

Is that the case at amazon? No, recruiters desperately get any live body available on their loops

Google wFaS05 Nov 13, 2019

Why don't you ask your interviewer which language they prefer you code in?

Pinterest JEJM77 Nov 14, 2019

The problem with interviewing in Scala is that for most interviewers, the mental model of what theyā€™re looking for is nifty for loop > improved for loop > brute force for loop. They havenā€™t considered a functional solution and so if you code one theyā€™ll mostly just reject you or ask you to change all of your maps etc. to for loops. (Iā€™m not saying functional programming is some genius thing they donā€™t understand, just that they arenā€™t looking for inventiveness, theyā€™re looking for the answer they found online for the question). This has held true even when Iā€™ve interviewed for explicitly Scala positions. Unless youā€™re whiteboarding code for a Spark job, Iā€™d stay away from scala.