Tech IndustryNov 13, 2019

Interviewing with companies is really similar to dating

The resume screen is basically matching on some dating app (and having a decent conversation). The first round is like the first date where you kinda feel each other out, the interview question is generally easier too. If he/she is interested, then you schedule a second date, and so forth. Eventually you either drop out of the process, or ask them to officially be your SO (final round). If they accept, congrats! When dating, it’s never good to obsess over the other person. There are a lot of fish in the sea, just like companies. Being rejected is common, and isn’t something to beat yourself over. I think a lot of people on this app don’t get the last part.

AT&T Mr.Fix Nov 13, 2019


Microsoft ohokaynow Nov 13, 2019

What’s the analogy to negotiation and sharing competing offers. How do I request market value in a date?

Amazon popozaø Nov 13, 2019

“Under market value” is probably like settling for someone unfulfilling for the sake of not being single.

BBDO hPes60 Nov 13, 2019

Lol how does the saying go “If you won’t do something in the bedroom with him, he will find another girl who does”

Apple bgjvv Nov 13, 2019

I guess I’m pretty damn good looking playboy from interviewing perspective. Get matched all the time. 🤣

Apple cho Chang Nov 13, 2019

How come you’re not at FNG then?

Salesforce peaceguy Nov 13, 2019


Clover Network djebehd Nov 13, 2019

At least recruiters listen when you say you're not interested

McKinsey jEez00 Nov 13, 2019

You can come up with the whole fish and the sea thing, but doesn’t help if you never pass resume screen 😂 Worst part about dating is you can’t get referred either...

benefactor Nov 13, 2019

Oh yes you can. That’s how I landed my fish 🐠 through an intro from a mutual friend

Expedia Group negotiat Nov 14, 2019

Indians here (according to them) they get referrals from their parents all the time :)

{~} Nov 13, 2019

There’s an app that provides job description in a tinder like swiping ui. Can’t remember the name. Pretty useless when I was trying it out, not sure if they exist anymore - but proves your point.

Facebook ⭕w⭕ Nov 13, 2019

You forgot the extra step where, after you ask her to officially be your SO, you're still hitting up side chicks in case what they offer is even better what your potential SO would. And you don't try to hide these chicks from her either, but you let her know what they'd offer as well so you can get her to match ("but bae, Felicia has bigger bobs so could you get implants if you become my SO? Also, Georgina makes $50k more than you, so could you promise me you'll get a job that makes as much as her within a year if we go out?")

Snapchat QaH7er3PxL Nov 13, 2019

Georgina LMAO. Keep up the good work FB

SW daddy Nov 13, 2019

And changing jobs is like breaking up