Intuit for Product Management?

How are the different BUs in intuit for product? Any that you should avoid? #Intuit #productmanagement

ex-Walmart rsfxgv Feb 1


Intuit nLQN16 Feb 2

PMs are a joke in Intuit. Stay away if you have the chance. What torture Amazon does to you in 2 years, Intuit does that 3 years ..the pace is slow but it's catching up.

Amazon Almal OP Feb 2

That’s so weird to hear! I used to think Intuit was top of work life balance place but hearing very mixed reviews now. Any teams in particular you’d recommend avoiding?

Intuit nLQN16 Feb 2

All teams. PMs add zero value

zlVX85 Feb 2

Intuit is that one company that shouldn’t exist but does because of lobbying.

Intuit Arly44 Feb 2

false you’re referring to TurboTax which is one of the 4 core products Intuit offers.

zlVX85 Feb 5

How does your response make it false? lol. It’s a company that’s a cancer for poor people because of lobbying. F intuit imo. Are you saying quickbooks would’ve existed without the insane money they made through turbo tax?! Tell you what, no.

Intuit refmebro Feb 3

Many PM at intuit are here for their first job out of school. Unless you’re going for senior level/leadership position I don’t know that you’d get much value.

Intuit itsPMtime Feb 3

Avoid QuickBooks, be very selective with TurboTax (core DIY is a good one), try for Credit Karma or Mailchimp