
Invest in weed stocks, yes/no? Which ones?

Anyone taking a flier on weed stocks?

Hitachi Vantara xyzabd Oct 15, 2018


Cognizant Khilji-bro Oct 15, 2018

Hey Sprint, always had this question in my mind How do you run? 2 weeks or 4 weeks timeframe?

Google dfffdff Oct 15, 2018

This is why you *were* at Cognizant once. Silly jokes (lower intellect) like this.

Cognizant Khilji-bro Oct 15, 2018

Hey dfffff’errr who said I’m in Cognizant? People move on in life dudet. Shit happen sometimes *and who told you that Googler’s have *upper intellect* than Cognizant*. if that’s how it works, I shouldn’t be sitting next to you 😬

Compass FUPayMe Oct 15, 2018

You might as well buy the large tobacco and alcohol brands. They will be the most likely owners of the mass market. Once they start announcing you should expect it to rise.

IBM 9789426748 Oct 15, 2018

You're an idiot

Lending Club Lpew13 Oct 15, 2018

For sure yes.. with all the work pressure in Bay Area, people have no other option than to booze, weed and party..

Ness Technologies FkTrump Oct 15, 2018


Microsoft ☝️yo Oct 15, 2018

No, immoral thing to do

Microsoft shgs72 Oct 15, 2018

Here we go again

Mist Systems tXTR22 Oct 15, 2018

Yes through TSM

Amazon whut Oct 15, 2018

Be aware of how USCIS sees this if you are not a citizen. It makes you inadmissible to the United States. Even if you have a greencard it's trouble.

Amazon न्यू Oct 15, 2018

This is something i have heard people spreading around but no concrete evidence. Had it been the case then why are these stocks traded on each platform in US.

Amazon whut Oct 16, 2018

It's no joke: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/canadian-pot-investors-are-being-banned-from-entering-us/ Legalization in the US is only half real. States like WA legalized it but the federal government does not recognize legalization and still considers it a criminal offense. USCIS as an arm of the federal government considers it a crime and applies the INS act language making drug users and dealers permanently inadmissible. Cross the border with a joint or admit to using it or to being an investor and you are never entering the US again in your life.

Microsoft 0xADFG Oct 15, 2018


Amazon whut Oct 16, 2018

@outta, CBP is only slightly backing off. If you invest in a US cannabis business you face a lifetime ban on entering the United States. The updated guideline says that a Canadian engaged in a cannabis business in Canada may be considered admissible to the US if they are coming to the US for a reason unrelated to the Canadian cannabis business. There is no evidence they are backing off on people who are involved in cannabis business inside the US which the US federal government still considers to be a criminal enterprise. Here is the updated statement: https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/speeches-and-statements/cbp-statement-canadas-legalization-marijuana-and-crossing-border You are still going to face a LIFETIME ban on entry if you admit to being involved in a US cannabis business, including as an investor, or to using cannabis, or entering the US for the purpose of trafficking in it (ie, operating a cannabis business). I think if you are on a greencard or visa it is highly advisable to stay as far away from this issue as possible due to the consequences being so extreme. You do not merely face a temporary denial, rejection of a current visa, etc, they will conclude that you are LIFETIME inadmissible. You will never set foot in the United States again for the rest of your life. It's extreme.