Investment banking to tech company

Any tips for an someone starting to explore a move from investment banking (associate) to tech? Tips on how to approach, interviews, etc. Any recommendations in which teams within tech are probably a best fit? #tech #jobfit #jobhunt

Amazon ejdJ87 Oct 2, 2020

Corporate dev and strategy at Deliveroo

Salesforce Wtnb55 Oct 2, 2020

Why do you want to switch?

Goldman Sachs FGXr44 OP Oct 3, 2020

I think key reasons are: (i) really like tech in general and want to work for a company that is doing cool things, (ii) have the opportunity to look at a company from the inside vs being an external advisor, and (iii) have the opportunity to get some more managerial experience earlier in my career (at a bank only happens when you are very very senior and even then it’s tough)