Misc.Aug 6, 2018

Is Amazon 6% attrition means 6% PIP or 6% Dev Plan?

I heard that Amazon will put 6% employee into PIP or dev plen every year? (These two are very different) Does it apply to all the team? No matter how great the team performance is? I join a new team which just start to develop a new product, and we estimate that it won't make money until few years later. Will my team be asked to mandatory provide a dev list at the first few years?

LinkedIn ChindiChor Aug 6, 2018

Pip is same as development plan, no?

Amazon AznGigolo OP Aug 6, 2018

I heard most of people can survive from dev plan. PIP is like post dev plan, when you failed on dev plan you'll be put into PIP and ready to say good bye.

LinkedIn ChindiChor Aug 6, 2018

That's odd. Generally companies give feedback and coaching to underperformers before a formal process like pip

Microsoft VlCX25 Aug 6, 2018

Tomato, tomahto. Majority of large American companies have some sort of “good attrition” target. Most won’t talk about it, but at one point, GE and Goldman Sachs were almost proud of it. GE was the one that pioneered the bell curve for perf reviews IIRC.

EMC Jfjjeoqos Aug 6, 2018

Can’t agree more about GE. Which later haunted them due to politics - a side affect of this.

eBay lbftj Dec 18, 2019

Is this still true