Tech IndustryMay 25, 2021

Is FB a direct competitor to MS?

Am I going to be terminated once I tell my manager I’m leaving to FB?

Grab aXQc61 May 25, 2021

Why will you be terminated? People leave for their next opportunity.

Hajoca HisG35 May 25, 2021

I do not think so

Amazon $;?5dgvd May 25, 2021

Do you have a friend who likes to spread paranoia?

Microsoft TwmJ38 May 25, 2021

Yes it’s a competitor at least for Azure folks I don’t know why

Microsoft vhtcnnx OP May 25, 2021

Can it depend on the team? Looks like it can, since I have friends who were terminated and who were not.

Microsoft TwmJ38 May 25, 2021

Yes depends on manager, when they decide to tell HR. Even if you don’t mention new company HR assumes competitor and revokes access in two days but you get paid till the last day of employment which you get to decide.

Microsoft sigmafry May 25, 2021

Relax. You're not terminated. Your access is revoked immediately, but your notice period is the same. So you basically chill for the notice period.

Microsoft TwmJ38 May 25, 2021

That depends on your manager, if they want you to work they won’t initiate process with HR and get work done from you till last day.

Facebook rYMy20 May 25, 2021

Why do you feel the need to disclose where you are going? It’s perfectly acceptable to keep it secret.

Microsoft dropoutt May 25, 2021

You’ll just get all of your access revoked and will do nothing for the entire notice period while also getting paid for it ofc, so sounds like a great deal to me. Good luck