
Is US healthcare inherently deisgned on basis of Eugenics?

Its deisgned in a way that it says that “Healthcare is not a previlage or basic right and you should work hard to earn it”. Isn’t that promoting Eugenics?

34 Participants
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Credit Karma KennethM Sep 12, 2019

Why are these the only two options? Haha

Apple darkMod Sep 12, 2019

Lmao why are blinders obsessed with eugenics?

Amazon iSteveJobs OP Sep 12, 2019

I’m no way endorsing Eugenics.

Intel D’s🥜 Sep 12, 2019

Can you flesh out in more detail why or how it promotes Eugenics? I would imagine that Eugenics would be more focused on pre-birth actions and pregnancy treatment. However, the healthcare system overwhelmingly serves the elderly more than the young (by sheer volume / frequency of patients).

Amazon iSteveJobs OP Sep 12, 2019

You know, there are many types of cancers that come at early age. For young people without insurance or Medicare, their only option is to die. Which means they are not going to reproduce. So I correlate with Eugenics. It may sound like a conspiracy but that’s how it works

Intel D’s🥜 Sep 12, 2019

So it’s Eugenics to bias against early life genetic disorders and cancers that would have inexplicably killed people 200 years ago? I see the point.

Pandora x0kjF Sep 12, 2019

Is the entire concept of reproduction based on eugenics?

Twitter jkkugdyh Sep 12, 2019

I think planned parenthood is also founded on the basis of eugenics

Orion 🌹♟🗡 Sep 12, 2019

Ok People who said the us system is fair, make your argument.

Intel D’s🥜 Sep 12, 2019

It’s based on class structure, not Eugenics. Our capitalist class structure is not pre-defined with genetics in mind.

Orion 🌹♟🗡 Sep 12, 2019

Ok true