HR IssuesDec 3, 2018
Undisclosedaybkdp d

Is competitive coding looked down on?

for more senior sde or management positions? i feel like it is something they only care about for interns and new grads and seniors that put it on the resume r looked down on

89 Participants
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Amazon jefe_bezos Dec 3, 2018

It’s never going to be looked down upon. At most, you can argue it’s irrelevant.

Microsoft Akd71.36 Dec 3, 2018

I look down on people who aren’t recent college grads and still participate in these activities. Like, why is their life so empty that this is still how they fill their time?

Cisco BnDK48 Dec 3, 2018

People have hobbies

Google ToGY40 Dec 3, 2018

It’s not looked down upon but work experience is far more valuable on a resume at any level.

Airbnb jim.hodlen Dec 3, 2018

why would it be looked down upon?

Microsoft Akd71.36 Dec 3, 2018

Because candidates should have more going for them than countless hours on toy problems that don’t reflect real engineering or real world interactions

Airbnb jim.hodlen Dec 3, 2018

it reflects well in certain domains. real engineering takes many forms

Fitbit LeftOf Dec 3, 2018

It’s a hobby, nobody will care.

Microsoft Harmar Dec 3, 2018

If you enjoy it, cool. It's not going to impress me as an interviewer, but I won't hold it against you, either. I say this as someone who enjoys (and does well at) competitive programming. It's not a great indicator of engineering aptitude, any more than being awesome at Scrabble makes you a good novelist.

Facebook Orwell2019 Dec 4, 2018

I think it's quite relevant irrespective of the level. People who never put in the work required for it often like to discredit it. It's a very strong indicator of a person's ability to deal with complexity.