Is it possible for a user to change another user's github PRs without knowing their password in an enterprise setting?

I looked it up online, but didn't find any info on this. Was wondering if anyone among the smart folks here know a trick or two to change someone else's PR

Wiley fluffbutte Oct 3, 2023

Assuming you mean GitHub? As owner of a project, I noticed I could change people's comments. That struck me as weird. I don't know what "change a PR means"... can't you just push to their branch?

Barclays PLC beepbeep22 OP Oct 3, 2023

I meant GitHub, bitbucket, etc. (Updated the question). Interesting that you can do that. Anything else you could change as an owner of the project? Eg, details of the PR like, which branch it's supposed to merge into, or which files are included?

Wiley fluffbutte Oct 3, 2023

You can just fork their branch and do whatever you'd like in your own PR?