Work VisaFeb 2, 2020

Is it possible to get H1B outside of the States?

Hold a US master degree, never got my H1B after 3 years of OPT..Internal transferred to Toronto, Canada now but could only get back on L1 due to the company policy. I still prefer the bay area for my tech careers, and have talked to some companies about my situations and only left with frustration. Is there a way to workaround with that?#h1b

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Zynga Benq31 Feb 2, 2020

Get back on L1 and keep applying for H1 every year

Roku NYC2 Feb 2, 2020

Interview at other companies and ask if they sponsor H1B?

🌬.πŸ”₯🀺 Feb 2, 2020

Do another masters 😬

LinkedIn oopoo Feb 2, 2020

Possible? Yes. Realistic? Probably not

Facebook thenos Feb 19, 2020

H1B is a will never get green card if you are chinese or indian...why leave canada?