
Is it worth moving $50k from CD to T-bills?

I have $50k emergency funds in a NO penalty CD at 4.75%. (have another $20k accessible HYSA) I’m considering moving $50k to Fidelity and start T-bill ladder. Benefit is no state income tax (CA). Is it worth moving, considering $50k isn’t much but can’t stop thinking about it I have another ~$15k in iBonds will prob moving to T-bills or HYSA later this year. Edit: t-bills are at around 5.3-5.4% on fidelity #personalfinance

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Amazon padayapa1 Sep 7, 2023

You can easily do the math on differential tax liability between both and decide whether those x$ is worth the hassle

MongoDB mongobb OP Sep 7, 2023

True, i should do this

Box fduh46 Sep 7, 2023

Treasury money market fund is paying 5.2%. Almost as good as t bills.

Amazon gonnapn Sep 7, 2023

But you pay taxes on those

Microsoft best- Sep 7, 2023

You pay federal taxes on T bills too. Just no state tax

Google blindly__ Sep 8, 2023

Just checking, you sure you need $70k in your e fund? Typical advice is 6-12 months of expenses, if you're following that it would mean you spend $6-12k/mo. If you have a family that's probably pretty normal. But if you're spending less than that you can reduce your e fund.

MongoDB mongobb OP Sep 8, 2023

Yep it includes to support an senior parent, otherwise I’d definitely be in VTI or something else